Why can't I hear people when I am using Zoom?
       If you can't hear anyone in a Zoom meeting, adjust the volume control on the side of your mobile device. Also, check to make sure you have not "muted" the other person (or people) in your "meeting." You can find that control button when you tap "Manage Participants" while you are using Zoom. Finally, ask the other person you are "meeting" with if they have "muted" themself. (This happens a lot when people forget they "muted" themselves.)
Why can't people HEAR me when I am using Zoom?
       You may be muted! When you are using Zoom, tap the picture of the little microphone to "mute" or "unmute" yourself. Also the other person in your "meeting" may have accidentally "muted" you. Ask them to check their "Manage Participants" control.
There is echo in my meeting!
       Echo can be caused by many things, such as a participant connected to the meeting audio on multiple devices or two participants joined in from the same local.
Why can't people SEE me when I am using Zoom?
       Your camera may be "stopped." When you are using Zoom, tap the little picture of a video camera to start and stop your camera.
When I went into a meeting, no one was there!

       This happens often as you may be "invited" to a "Zoom meeting" but the person who invited you unknowingly started a new "meeting."

1. Tap the "Leave Meeting" button in Zoom and return to the invitation email that linked you to the Zoom meeting.
2. Reply to the sender and ask for a new invitation.
3. When you get the new invitation email, tap on the link in that email.



Do you need an account to use Zoom?
       A Zoom account is not required if you are strictly joining Zoom Meetings as a participant. If someone invites you to their meeting, you can join as a participant without creating an account. However, if you want to HOST a Zoom meeting, you will need a Zoom account.
Do I have to have a webcam to join on Zoom?
       While you are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar, you will not be able to transmit video of yourself. You will continue to be able to listen and speak during the meeting, share your screen, and view the webcam video of other participants.
What is "Zoom Bombing" and how can I prevent it?

       "Zoom Bombing" is when a stranger breaks into your Zoom meeting and takes it over. If this happens, tap the "End Meeting" button when you are using Zoom. If it asks, tap, "End meeting for all."

Steps to PREVENT "Zoom Bombing:"

1. Don't invite people to a Zoom meeting on Facebook or ANY public place. Only send Zoom invitations by emailing the person (people) you want to invite directly or texting your invitation to them.

Turn on the "Waiting Room" feature. As its name suggests, the Waiting Room is a virtual staging area that prevents participants from joining until you’re ready for them. In your Zoom settings, tap the button next to "waiting room" to enable (turn on).

NOTE: As of April 6, Zoom has announced they will soon "enable waiting room" by default. You can check your Zoom settings to verify it is indeed enabled.

3. “Lock” the meeting: When you lock a Zoom Meeting that’s already started, no new participants can join, even with an approved meeting ID and password. During a meeting, click “Participants” at the bottom of your Zoom window. In the Participants pop-up, click the button that says “Lock Meeting.”

4. Set up a password: A password adds an additional layer of security, one that may be useful for meetings outside of regular class hours. You may wish to share the password in your syllabus or direct emails to your students or classmates.

You may not have to worry about Zoom Bombing much at all when it is just between you an one other person. But the more people you are Zoom Meeting with, the more precautions you should take.